Welcome to Bigreds place.


To have found this place you must indeed be an intrepid traveler or at least a Boincer.

As such your opinion is highly valued.

I've been a cruncher since the days of the original Seti. For the past couple of years I've been a member of a team and it was a lot of fun but things have since changed. I'm no longer a part of that team and I'm not interested in becoming part of another one at this time. What I am considering is possibly starting a forum for all the independent crunchers out there. A place to provide help, support and a sense of community. It would also be a place for the big guns, the guys (or gals) with a single box and everyone in between. To show those of you that don't know me that I'm serious about crunching, I've put my Boincstats signature graphic below.

What I would ask of you is to sign the guest book and leave your opinions and comments about whether or not you would like a forum for independent crunchers. Also leave any suggestions about what should be included.









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